Every story—YOUR story—deserves to be told well.

Intrepid. Compelling. Eloquent.
A shot of "professor," a dash of "best friend," and a splash of "rogue."
It started with Mel Blanc. I grew up fascinated by his unparalleled vocal storytelling skills, and wanted to follow suit.
But I also loved dinosaurs.
Fast-forward *mumble* years, I got my Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and became a vertebrate paleontologist, but never forgot about storytelling. I began stage acting, doing improv, and reading books aloud to my wife (to rave reviews). Combining academic and acting skills, I make your lovingly chosen words leap off the page, deep into your audience’s psyche.
When I’m not digging in the dirt or weaving compelling tales, I play drums in a rock band and do origami.
Thank you for choosing my voice to tell your story!

Audio Tours
Character Voices
Corporate Narration
Explainer Videos
Internet & Web
Medical Narration
Science Narration
...and more!

Austrian Audio OC18 microphone
Audient iD4 interface
Audacity 3.1.3
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 80 ohm headphones

"Jerry was a pleasure to work with, especially in finding the right tone for our museum videos that could appeal to our very young visitors as well as adults. Visitors comment on the quality and information presented in the videos, and Jerry's voiceovers are what tie them all together to create a cohesive story. We're looking forward to working with him again in the future to update and/or create new videos. I couldn't recommend him enough!" —Diana Call, Director, St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site
"Jerry...dialed the energy up to 11 and kept it there...Jerry is enthusiastic and clearly cares so much about what he does, and that is just a great energy to have in the room while recording." —Mel Nichols, writer & director, Breathing Space S4
"The emotional transitions for the bits of wisdom, empathy and straight talk were spot on...Thanks Jerry for such a great performance that really brought the emotion needed to level [my character] out. You made it feel like such a normal thing for the character to do. Couldn’t ask for anything better." —Jordan W. Anderson, writer & director, Breathing Space S4